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Once Upon A Dice Roll


Once Upon A Dice Roll is four to eight player board game where players come up with words to score points. Similar to Scattergories, players score points based on the how many of the rolled letter (rolled by the letter die) appear in the word they have selected.

Game Designer

My role for this project was Game Designer. My responsibilities were the creation of the core game mechanic and the core gameplay loop.


The game is broken up into three phases: Word Crafting, Story Crafting, and Voting & Switching.

In the first phase one player rolls two dice, a 20-sided Consonants die and a 6-sided Vowel die. Depending on what letters show face-up, players must think of a word that contain the most amount of the two letters.


For example: The letters A and T are rolled. One player writes down the word HAT and scores two points. Another player writes down the word ATTACK and scores four points. Once all players are done they reveal their words. If two or more players have the same word, none of them score points.


In the second phase, players craft stories using the words in their word bank in under three minutes. The story must fit the genre rolled by the Genre Die (Horror, Romance, Sci-fi, Action, Fantasy, and Mystery). Players can use as many other words as they want, as long as the story contains all the words inside their word bank.


In the third phase, players read their stories aloud. After everyone has read, all players will vote on their favourite story at the same time. The player with the most votes will get bonus points. Then players pass their notepad to the left and repeat the whole process with new words and genre. Then for the Story Crafting phase the players continue the previous story. The game ends after the two rounds are concluded and the player with the most points wins.

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